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Your life you NEVER want to ESCAPE from starts here.

Here’s what’s included with This Naked Mind’s Live Naked AF Membership
  • Live Naked AF: Journey Through Your First Year; $1,997 USD Value - Each Month a new self-paced training will unlock, giving you access to fresh new content every 30 days.  
  • Getting Naked AF: How To Library; $1,297 USD Value - This Library has exactly what you need to stay focused all year long. These “How-To” tool kits include things like how to overcome cravings, how to socialize, how to overcome social anxiety and so much more!
  • Group Coaching ACTing Lessons; $997 USD Value - Get immediate access to regular Group Coaching Calls to help you utilize the ACT Technique on Zoom! 
  • Private Community; $397 USD Value - Our off-social This Naked Mind Companion App provides a safe and user-friendly way to connect with others in the community without the privacy concerns other social media group platforms create.
  • Daily Inspiration Videos; $597 USD Value - Each day, members in this program receive an inspirational video from Annie or one of our Live Naked AF Coaches. 
That is a value of $5,285, and I haven’t even started on the other Fast Action bonuses! 
Enroll in This Naked Mind’s Live Naked AF Membership by February 1st and receive these additional bonuses: 
  • Bonus 1: The Path On-Demand; $997 - TNM’s 90-day self-paced program based on extensive research on how the brain’s ability to change and form new habits can get you from the pain, guilt, and hopelessness you feel today to the freedom of effortlessly enjoying the beautiful life you desire.
  • ​​​Bonus 2: How To Talk To Your Kids About Alcohol$597 USD - As parents we want the best for our kids - and many times that means “don’t do what I did!” In this course, Annie is going to break down what she’s learned about talking to your kids about your journey, and how you can do it in a way that really connects. 
  • ​​Bonus 3: Helping A Loved One; $297 USD - A special course for your partner during your time in The PATH. Support doesn’t stop with us. If you have a loved one you’d like to encourage you on your journey, we’ve created a special course just for them. 
  • ​​Bonus 4: Teach Your Kids Live Naked; $597 USD- Discover Annie Grace’s mini course that helps you to teach your kids the same content. 
  • ​​BONUS 5: 100 Days of Lasting Change; $197 USD - Sometimes you need an extra boost of momentum & encouragement to create lasting, life-long change. Our highly rated 100 Days of Lasting Change mini course is designed to keep you focused, present, aware and happy while creating a new you! 
  • Bonus 6: This Naked Mind Content Vault; $1,997 USD Value - This Naked Mind Content Vault - Annie’s ENTIRE Library of On-Demand Content - Including new content as it is created (proceed at your own risk! It’s a LOT)!
  • ​Bonus 7: Find Freedom Group Coaching Calls; $1,097 USD Value - We get it. Life happens. But sometimes we’re the hardest on ourselves. We’ve got you. The most experienced ‘Finding Freedom’ coaches will be available to help you break through any areas you’re struggling with. 
  • Founder’s Bonus: PRICELESS - Participate with Annie in writing her next book. As a founding member, you get a behind-the-scenes look as Annie writes her next book! Join her for writing sessions, have the chance to submit your story, and more! 
That brings the total value of This Naked Mind’s Live Naked AF Membership to a whopping =
 $11,064 USD! 
And you can join for just
$197 USD /mo.
Enrollment closes February 1st
---- Step #1: Contact Details ---- 
Full Name:
Email Address:
---- Step #2: Billing Address ---- 
---- Step #3: Credit Card Information ---- 
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Price (USD)
$1,997 every year
$197 every month
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are committed to ensuring the best experience as you navigate your first year alcohol-free and beyond. That's why we offer a risk-free guarantee. Our membership gives you the freedom to cancel at any time, no questions asked. We understand that life can be unpredictable and that priorities can change. That's why we want to give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can cancel your membership at any time. 
By clicking this box, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the This Naked Mind’s Live Naked AF Membership, Terms of Service Agreement, and Privacy Policy.

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Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

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Are you ready to build a life you NEVER want to ESCAPE from?


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